There are different strange questions which came into our mind and these questions have no meaning at all. In this blog, we will discuss some of the questions which are searched by people and we will also discuss unique/strange search query that surprise every reader.
What is unique or strange search query?
Before exploring different unique/strange search query of people it is very important to understand what is unique search query and what is strange search query. Unique search mean searches of people which are very rare and there are only few answers for these queries because these queries come into mind of only few people. By strange search quarries, it means that some questions which are very strange or funny that come into mind of people and they have to search these questions in different search engines.
Top unique or strange search query
There are different unique/strange search query in 2024 that are searched by people in different search engine platforms but we will discuss the top 7 search queries which are very strange. Following are these search queries:
1. Do sharks know that camels exist?
It is also very unique/strange search query that we can find is do sharks know that camels exist this is because sharks always live inside water and they are very dangerous animals and camels mostly live in desert and they are away from rivers so this is why this question came into mind of people do these animals are familiar of each other.
2. Chicken is dinosaur?
You will also find this unique search query that chicken is dinosaur and there are different answers to this question. This question came into the mind of people because if we look at chickens we can see that they are very similar in shape with dinosaurs and this is the reason people think that chickens are dinosaurs but small in size.
3. Does my dog know my name?
It is one of the strange things that came into our mind that does my dog know my name this is because when someone calls your name your dog will suddenly look at you as if he knows your name. Answer to this query is dogs are intelligent animals and if they are trained they can understand your name and this is the reason we can see dogs in military because they are intelligent and easily be trained.
4. Do animals have accent?
It is also very strange question that comes into people minds that do animals have accents this is because we can see that on different social media platform that animal different part of country understands their language as we can see that cats in China understand their names in chines and cat in USA understand their name in English and this is the reason this question came into people mind and we can mind this question in every search engine.
5. Germany is in what country?
There is another very strange search query you will find when you type “Germany is in what” and after typing that you will see search engine hiving option Germany is in what country and Germany is itself a country and there is no answer to this query why search engine is showing option of country.
6. Does fish take bath?
It is another very unique question on search engines which is does fish take baths this is because fish usually live in water and they are always wet so there is no proper answer to this query because they always live inside water.
7. Do trees have genders?
We can also find this strange question do trees have genders on different search engines because we know that plants grow using pollination this means that they must have genders. Right answer to this question is that plants have both male part and female parts and because of this they produce flowers and seeds so there is no gender of plants.
There are many unique/strange search query we can find because there are many strange questions which came into mind of people and these questions are logically correct but they are meaningless. In this blog, we have discussed some most popular strange questions that you can find on different search queries.